Nouvèl FOKAL

mercredi 4 mai 2011

The library staff visits to the libraries in the Grande-Anse

With the idea of consolidating the libraries in the FOKAL network, the staff of the Library Program made a series of visits from April 4th to the 6th 2011 to the libraries of Jeremy, Corail and Pestel.

The visits  started with the René Belance  library in Corail on April 5th. This library has a reading room and a projection hall. Although activities have been temporarily suspended, those in charge have promised to make major changes. They have taken a series of interesting initiatives such as taking books to far-off readers called ‘moto Biblio’. The organiser responsible for this activity uses a motorcycle to take books in a packsack to the regions. Once he arrives at a pre-designated spot, he shows the books, and readers are free to read or borrow books to take home.

In the afternoon, the staff continued on its way to visit another library in the Pestel area, called Jean F. Brière library, an hour away from Corail, or three hours away from Jeremy. This library, which is located quite far from the center of town, has made great efforts to keep up to the standards of the FOKAL Library Program. They have space to welcome the readers, a reading room, a space for magazines and a children’s corner for reading and relaxing.

On April 5th as part of the Mini Laboratory Mobile Program, this library received a number of computers to help the young and older members access Computer Information Technology . The library staff was extremely happy with all this new material. They will also receive, in the coming days, other material such as a router, a projector and a large laptop.

The Mini Mobile Laboratory is a project that was set up last year by the Library Program  to give the libraries in the FOKAL network a computer laboratory. Each year, 10 libraries will get a package that contains 5 small laptops, one projector with a large laptop, one wireless router, one printer and an internet connection. 

In the evening the staff continued its visits. They went to Numa Drouin Centre located in the girls high school in Jeremy. Following an evaluation, the staff of the FOKAL Library program discussed the system in place with the library staff and planned another visit to add to the existing base. This initiative was taken after the staff participated in a training given in France last March on configuring PMB software. Each library received a box containing books, CDs and DVDs that would be added to their collections. The FOKAL Library Program will continue its efforts to provide better access to books to more people in the country.

Lourdine Altinor-Marsan
FOKAL Library Program